This Green Laundry Solution will Revolutionize Your Cleaning Routine

Oct 4, 2023 | Lifestyle

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Becoming an adult can be a bit of a blurry transition. You know that moment when you turn twenty-one and the world insists that you’re a full-fledged grown-up, but you don’t quite feel it? For many, the journey to adulthood takes a good decade or so of questioning if you’ve truly reached that milestone. Well, guess what? I recently stumbled upon a revelation that made me feel like a bona fide adult (in my 30s). Let me share it with you…


A Green Laundry Solution

Earlier this year, as we ran out of our regular laundry detergent, I found myself eyeing a bottle of castile soap that had been sitting on the shelf, practically untouched. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a shot as our laundry soap replacement. To my surprise, it worked better than all the other “clean” detergents we had experimented with before!

I hear you asking how this solidified my life as a full-fledged adult? Well … I am over-the-moon excited about my findings! Who else but adults would be excited over laundry? I digress …

Now, you might be wondering what’s so special about castile soap. Well, let me tell you, it’s not a new-fangled invention. Castile soap – a detergent made from plant-based oils – has been around for a long time … cherished for its versatility and natural cleaning power. I tried it once and never looked back.

The real testament to this newfound laundry solution was the tough challenge of cleaning my husband’s moisture-wicking undershirts. Those of you who share laundry duty with sports enthusiasts can empathize with the struggle. We’d been using separate detergents due to this dilemma – one to cater to my preference for a more natural approach, and another heavy-duty cleaner for his sportswear materials.

But now, thanks to castile soap, it seems we can finally use the same detergent again! This simplifies our laundry routine, making my life significantly easier. Occasionally, for the extra-dirty loads, I’ll add a dash of Borax – it’s affordable and quite effective. I know I can’t be the only wife and mom who has been in this situation, right?

Currently, I’m keeping it simple by adding unscented castile soap to the wash. To combat dog hair and static, I’ve employed some trusty wool dryer balls. And when I’m in the mood for an extra-fresh scent, a few drops of my favorite Purify essential oil work wonders. It’s a straightforward and “clean” way to tackle even the most challenging laundry tasks.

I have plans to explore a few castile soap laundry detergent recipes to see if they can enhance the cleaning power even further. I promise to keep you updated on my findings. For now, though, I’m genuinely thrilled with our laundry progress. It’s affordable, eco-friendly, and super easy!


If you’re on a quest for a greener, cleaner laundry routine, castile soap might just be your golden ticket. Stay tuned for more laundry adventures as I continue to discover cleaner and more sustainable alternatives. Let’s make laundry day a little brighter, one load at a time!

Easy Green Laundry Solution


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Hey there, I’m Sam

Mom, home decor enthusiast, and passionate homeschooler with a sprinkle of wanderlust. I’m a firm believer that life is a beautiful whirlwind … but here’s the secret: life doesn’t have to be all schedules and stress. Let’s navigate the adventure of intentional living and find joy in every moment together!