Lifestyle – SamanthaRae Living Intentionally Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:55:19 +0000 en hourly 1 Lifestyle – SamanthaRae 32 32 214815923 Embrace a Winter Morning Routine: Tips for Starting 2024 Intentionally Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:55:15 +0000

“What’s your word of the year?”
“What are your goals and resolutions for 2024?”
Do these sound familiar? Do they excite you for times to come, or make you anxious, wishing time would just slow down a little bit?

As we welcome the new year, it’s fascinating to observe the contradiction that arises—the ancient wisdom of winter’s slow rhythm versus the modern-day urge to accelerate. Winter historically beckons extended rest, a time of hibernation to rejuvenate the body and spirit. However, in today’s world of constant connectivity and ceaseless pursuits, these natural rhythms have been somewhat misplaced.

Personally, I find solace in the cold months, relishing brief moments outdoors during early morning sunrises or cocooning within my warm home, crafting stews and homemade bread. Winter signifies a time for nurturing my family, embracing the season’s offerings of comfort. One of the reasons I created this space is for those of us who choose to live intentionally—to resist the hurried pace that often leaves us feeling out of sorts amidst today’s culture.

There’s a struggle within this juxtaposition of the new year and winter. I (and I suspect you, too) face the challenges of January—a time when the allure of hibernation clashes with the return to routine. Our family must balance restarting homeschool lessons with dad returning to the office, while I manage the typical work-from-home mom duties. As I’ve mentioned before, women experience ebbs and flows in productivity due to hormones, and our Creator has designed us to embrace everything in its season—acknowledging these patterns honors our innate nature within a constantly moving world.

In my quest to blend the drive for self-improvement with the desire for a slower seasonal pace, establishing a winter morning routine has helped me find balance. With a myriad of amazing tips and tricks available, I’ve gathered and started implementing a few favorites. If you’ve felt the same pull to improve yourself while embracing the slow pace of winter, I’ve curated a resource just for you. It’s a compilation of my favorite morning routine tips, sparing you the overwhelming search across the internet! These recommendations aim to bring balance within yourself and your family, offering that slow living feel while prioritizing health, happiness, and productivity.

Personally, I’ve begun incorporating small changes, like prioritizing protein before coffee, and it has been wonderful—I’m excited for you to try it too!

Create Your Winter Morning Routine

This resource encapsulates highly recommended activities, fostering health and happiness while honoring the unhurried essence of the season. Additionally, customizable printable morning routine cards are included for your family, facilitating a fresh start post-holidays.

Join me in stepping into the new year with a newfound focus on health, happiness, and honoring the beautiful pace of winter. Wishing you all a joyous and fulfilling new year!

DIY Hope Themed Advent Ornament for a Meaningful Season Thu, 07 Dec 2023 18:49:44 +0000

This year, I’m thrilled to offer a Christ-centered advent reading series to all my subscribers, focusing on the essence of the Christmas season. These readings, delivered via email each Sunday, will serve as an anchor for us to pause, reflect, and cherish the profound messages pointing to the birth of Jesus. Through this week’s reading, we’ve immersed ourselves in the promises foretold by the prophets, offering reassurance and anticipation. We are reminded not only of Jesus’ birth but also of the profound hope we hold onto today—the promise of His triumphant return, igniting hope in our hearts.

To complement this week’s theme, I have a wonderful craft idea for your family—an enchanting hope themed advent ornament. Crafted with wooden clothespins and adorned with scripture banners, these ornaments will serve as tangible reminders of the hope that glimmers throughout this season.

To create these ornaments, you’ll need wooden clothespins, simple crafting materials, and a dash of creativity. As your family creates these ornaments together, it’s a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the true essence of hope and its significance in our lives.

Materials Needed:

  • 4 regular wooden clothespins (metal springs removed)
  • 4 small wooden clothespins (metal springs removed)
  • Cardstock / printer paper / construction paper
  • Twine / ribbon
  • Hot glue / super glue
  • Scissors
  • Gold or silver paint (optional)

How to make a hope themed advent ornament

Start this craft adventure by preparing the materials. Now, it’s time for some hands-on creativity! Gather the kiddos and hand them each 8 halves of the larger clothespins and 8 halves of the smaller ones. My older kids and I went for hot glue on this project because, let’s face it, time is precious. But if you’re concerned about burns, opt for superglue – it just takes a bit longer to set. Remember, patience is key!

Now, for the crafty part: glue the flat ends of each clothespin set together. Voilà! You’ll end up with 4 smaller pieces and 4 larger pieces. Connect the sizes together to create a large plus sign and a small one. Then, set the larger plus sign on the table, and offset the smaller on on top (it’ll make an X shape).  Tada! Your star is born!

The finishing touches make it sparkle. Grab a piece of twine or ribbon (at least 7 inches long) for the ornament hanger. Find the center of the twine and glue it to the backside of your star where you want the top to be. If you’re feeling artsy, a coat of gold or silver paint can add that extra flair. I even whipped up a printable page with scripture banners for your ornaments. Simply print and cut the ones that resonate with your heart. Prefer to create your own? Aim for a size of approximately six inches by one inch.

The real beauty of this craft is its connection to this week’s advent theme of hope. These ornaments not only add joy to your home but also provide an opportunity for the little ones to hide a verse of hope in their hearts. It’s a wonderful way to reinforce the spirit of the season.

    I pray that this season is filled with eager anticipation for your family, cherishing quiet moments together while honoring the true meaning of Christmas. To receive the 2023 weekly advent readings, sign up for the newsletter here.

    Creating a Lasting Healthy Living Legacy for Generations Fri, 06 Oct 2023 13:50:00 +0000

    Navigating the path of a healthy living legacy can often feel like an immense and daunting journey. The pursuit of a cleaner, more holistic lifestyle for our families is laden with challenges, choices, and continuous learning. From scrutinizing product labels for harmful ingredients to exploring holistic health alternatives and delving into the world of sustainable food practices, it’s a journey that can leave us feeling exhausted. To add to the complexity, it seems like every day, new revelations surface about the potential hazards lurking in products we once considered safe. If you’re treading this path, you understand the weight of this responsibility all too well.


    Creating a Healthy Living Legacy …

    Last night, as I tended to my youngest, who was struggling with allergies and a stuffy nose, I was reminded of the profound impact our choices can have. Before bedtime, he had asked for a supplement we regularly use to support our liver health, made from wholesome beef liver oil. Later, he came downstairs to me seeking out peppermint oil to ease his discomfort. In that simple, yet significant moment, the fatigue and burden I sometimes feel vanished. It was a poignant reminder that what we do is worth it – and our kiddos do pay attention (even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it).

    I want to encourage you, dear mama who is also on this transformative journey. I know the weight of this season can be overwhelming. Sometimes, just adhering to the status quo seems like the easier path; and the world often nudges us in that direction. It’s challenging to carry the intense responsibility of nurturing these little souls, especially when it involves making choices that run counter to what society presents as the norm.

    Yet, every action you take, every piece of knowledge you impart, and every healthy choice you make has the power to change the course of a generation. We are instilling wisdom and understanding into our children’s hearts, knowledge that has been lost over time. This wisdom will be passed down through the ages, shaping the legacy we leave behind. Sometimes, I’m struck by how many things my great-grandmother effortlessly knew… things I’m now struggling to learn and master.

    If my words seem unfamiliar, and you’re not quite sure what I’m talking about, take a moment to visit my about page. There, I share my deep-rooted belief in returning to the wisdom of the past, a wisdom that has been buried beneath layers of modern living. Despite the challenges, doubts, and moments when it feels like too much, remember this: your calling is worth it. God has a profound purpose for you and your family. On days when it all feels overwhelming, know that He is your strength.

    Can you imagine the tremendous reward when we witness the impact of our choices on our children and grandchildren? I promise you, it’s worth every ounce of effort, every late-night study session, and every decision to choose a cleaner, healthier way of life. The legacy you are crafting is immeasurable, and the world-changing impact is beyond our current comprehension. Stay the course, dear mama; you are changing the world, one choice at a time.

    If you are looking for more information and resources for this lifestyle, check out these ladies on Instagram: KoriMeloy, NoelleKovary, and Simplyy_Sarah_!

    Creating a Healthy Living Legacy

    This Green Laundry Solution will Revolutionize Your Cleaning Routine Wed, 04 Oct 2023 00:18:04 +0000

    Becoming an adult can be a bit of a blurry transition. You know that moment when you turn twenty-one and the world insists that you’re a full-fledged grown-up, but you don’t quite feel it? For many, the journey to adulthood takes a good decade or so of questioning if you’ve truly reached that milestone. Well, guess what? I recently stumbled upon a revelation that made me feel like a bona fide adult (in my 30s). Let me share it with you…


    A Green Laundry Solution

    Earlier this year, as we ran out of our regular laundry detergent, I found myself eyeing a bottle of castile soap that had been sitting on the shelf, practically untouched. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a shot as our laundry soap replacement. To my surprise, it worked better than all the other “clean” detergents we had experimented with before!

    I hear you asking how this solidified my life as a full-fledged adult? Well … I am over-the-moon excited about my findings! Who else but adults would be excited over laundry? I digress …

    Now, you might be wondering what’s so special about castile soap. Well, let me tell you, it’s not a new-fangled invention. Castile soap – a detergent made from plant-based oils – has been around for a long time … cherished for its versatility and natural cleaning power. I tried it once and never looked back.

    The real testament to this newfound laundry solution was the tough challenge of cleaning my husband’s moisture-wicking undershirts. Those of you who share laundry duty with sports enthusiasts can empathize with the struggle. We’d been using separate detergents due to this dilemma – one to cater to my preference for a more natural approach, and another heavy-duty cleaner for his sportswear materials.

    But now, thanks to castile soap, it seems we can finally use the same detergent again! This simplifies our laundry routine, making my life significantly easier. Occasionally, for the extra-dirty loads, I’ll add a dash of Borax – it’s affordable and quite effective. I know I can’t be the only wife and mom who has been in this situation, right?

    Currently, I’m keeping it simple by adding unscented castile soap to the wash. To combat dog hair and static, I’ve employed some trusty wool dryer balls. And when I’m in the mood for an extra-fresh scent, a few drops of my favorite Purify essential oil work wonders. It’s a straightforward and “clean” way to tackle even the most challenging laundry tasks.

    I have plans to explore a few castile soap laundry detergent recipes to see if they can enhance the cleaning power even further. I promise to keep you updated on my findings. For now, though, I’m genuinely thrilled with our laundry progress. It’s affordable, eco-friendly, and super easy!


    If you’re on a quest for a greener, cleaner laundry routine, castile soap might just be your golden ticket. Stay tuned for more laundry adventures as I continue to discover cleaner and more sustainable alternatives. Let’s make laundry day a little brighter, one load at a time!

    Easy Green Laundry Solution

    Unveiling the Captivating 2023 Interior Design Trends: Elevate Your Space with Elegance Fri, 22 Sep 2023 14:28:27 +0000

    As we approach the end of 2023, the world of interior design is taking a delightful journey back in time to the glamorous 1920s, also known as the “Jazz Age.” While contemporary trends are continually evolving, the overarching theme this year revolves around the timeless and carefree-casual elegance of the past. Let’s explore some of my personal favorite interior design trends that are shaping our homes and infusing them with sophistication and style.


    2023 Interior Design Trends

    Wood Tones and Cane:
    One trend that stands out this year is the resurgence of natural wood tones. This aesthetic brings warmth and a cozy ambiance to any space, evoking a sense of home. Part of this trend we’re seeing a lot of includes adding caning accents with the wood, which I’m obsessed with! 

    Wallpaper: Wallpaper is making a triumphant return, with options ranging from minimalist textures to vibrant patterns. We recently were able to see some hand-printed wallpaper that was inspired by vintage designs from the late 1700s. I loved it given this trend that’s been popping up! Whether you opt for subtlety or boldness, wallpaper allows for endless creativity and personalization, making it a classic choice for any home.

    Velvet Accents: We have had a velvet couch for years now, and I’m so glad this trend is coming back in earnest. Once thought of as a high-maintenance fabric, velvet is back and more inviting than ever. Its luxurious texture exudes comfort and elegance, making it an excellent choice for sofas, chairs, and cushions. With proper care, a velvet piece can be a durable and hyper-stylish addition to your family home.

    2023 Interior Design Trends
    2023 Interior Design Trends
    2023 Interior Design Trends

    Texture and Color: Texture and color are taking center stage, breaking away from the monotone neutrals that have dominated interior design in recent years. Incorporating texture into your home adds depth and visual interest, while bold pops of color inject energy into your living spaces. Embracing brighter hues can transform your space into a lively and welcoming haven that exhudes style.

    Colorful Kitchens and White Appliances: Traditional white kitchens are evolving as color takes the lead. Gray, pastels, and natural neutrals are now the preferred choices for kitchen cabinetry … paired with modern white appliances featuring sleek designs and metallic accents. This fresh approach brings elegance and versatility to the heart of the home (though let’s face it: white shaker cabinets will always be in style).

    Olive Trees: Houseplants remain a beloved decor element, with olive trees taking the spotlight. A lighter alternative to the popular Fiddle-Leaf Fig, these trees infuse your home with a fresh, natural vibe. Additionally, natural elements are seen in wallpapers, artwork, and paint colors, connecting your living space with the beauty of the outdoors.

    2023 Interior Design Trends
    2023 Interior Design Trends
    2023 Interior Design Trends

    Metallics: Matte black accents of the farmhouse scene are making way for the return of metallic finishes. Gold kitchen hardware, bronze faucets, and silver candleholders provide a touch of elegance and sophistication. These metallic accents effortlessly elevate the overall aesthetic of your interiors.

    Moody Vibes: Dark and moody interiors are gaining popularity, providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Deep paint colors and rich accents complement all of the other design trends beautifully, creating spaces that are perfect for relaxation and comfort with a splash of sophistication.

    Style that Lasts: Amidst the ever-changing world of design, the current trends are rooted in classic elegance. These timeless elements bring comfort and an eclectic, lived-in vibe to your home, creating a soothing and enduring atmosphere that will withstand the test of time.

    As we enter the latter part of 2023 and progress into 2024, interior design is embracing a return to elegance and sophistication. These trends offer a blend of classic charm and contemporary appeal, allowing homeowners to create spaces that are both stylish and comfortable. Whether you’re a fan of the Jazz Age or prefer a more modern approach, these trends offer a wealth of inspiration to transform your home.

    What are your thoughts on these design trends?
    Share your opinions in the comments; I’d love to hear from you!


    Links & Sources

    Embrace the Power of Clean and Cozy Autumn Scents for a Blissful Season Fri, 15 Sep 2023 21:08:23 +0000

    Autumn, my personal favorite season (second only to Christmas), is a time when nature puts on a spectacular show. As the leaves turn golden and the temperatures cool, a sense of tranquility and warmth develops. It’s a season of cherished memories – from family trick-or-treating adventures to apple-picking escapades with my boys. What adds an extra layer of charm to this season? The delightful scents that fill the air.

    Clean and Cozy Autumn Scents

    The aromas of apple, cinnamon, pumpkin, and spices create an inviting atmosphere that’s synonymous with fall. However, in recent years, I’ve embarked on a journey to create a healthier and more natural home environment for my family. This includes phasing out chemical-laden “fragrance” products, a category that, sadly, encompasses many of my beloved candles and air fresheners.

    Thankfully, I’ve discovered some truly incredible naturally-based “clean” alternatives that allow me to relive those cherished autumn memories and create new ones for my boys – with that incredible backdrop of scents we’ll never forget.

    Essential Oils: Nature’s Purest Scents

    First and foremost on my list are essential oils. I’ve become a bit obsessed with diffusers and now have at least one in every room of my house. When it comes to clean scents, you can’t get more natural than the essence of plants combined with water. While there are many blends available, I’ve been particularly enjoying Doterra’s new Abode blend. It’s a fantastic choice for those who prefer not to mix their own scent profiles. While it’s suitable for year-round use, it’s not quite as autumnal as I tend to prefer, so I add in clove oil for added spice.

    Beyond diffusing, I use oils in our cleaning products, DIY linen sprays, and combined with baking soda for spaces like closets and bathrooms. My personal favorite blend for the cooler seasons is a mixture of Orange, On Guard, and Ginger or Clove – it’s like autumn in a bottle.

    Pura Plug-In: High-Tech, Clean Scents

    If essential oils aren’t your cup of tea, another household favorite of mine is the Pura plug-in. It’s the traditional method you might be familiar with, but with a modern twist and cleaner scents. This is an excellent choice if you’re new to the “crunchy” lifestyle and looking to gradually remove chemicals from your home. Pura even offers a fragrance quiz to help you discover a “signature” scent you’ll love year-round.

    This autumn, Pura boasts several exciting scents, including Pumpkin Chai, Oktoberfest, Bonfire Nights, and Simmered Cider. For winter, I’m eager to try Frasier Fir, Tinsel & Spice, and Gingerbread. An added bonus: you can use two fragrances at once in your plug-in and set them to alternate, so you never tire of the scent.

    Clean Candles: The Pretty Necessity

    I’ll admit it; sometimes you just need a beautiful candle to burn. It’s the ultimate cozy experience, right? In my quest for cleaner options, I’ve come across Fontana Candle Co. These candles boast clean ingredients, wood wicks, and essential oils for fragrance. So when you’re in the mood for a candlelit evening, these are fantastic choices.


    Have you discovered the perfect clean, cozy home scent for autumn? Drop a comment below and share your findings. I’ll compile the best recommendations and feature them on Instagram and Pinterest, ensuring that everyone can embrace the warm, inviting scents of the season.

    Clean and Cozy Autumn Scents

    Captivating Family Photo Style: Elevate Your Portrait Game with These Chic Ideas Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:07:36 +0000

    It’s that exciting time of year when families start contemplating “Fall Minis:” The season for photoshoots to ensure your Christmas cards are ready before the holiday rush. We might not be the family that schedules professional photos annually, but there was one beach photo session that changed my perspective entirely.

    Our Family Photo Style

    With my type A brain, planning our family photo style began about a month ahead. I wanted these photos to be more than seasonal; I aimed for them to seamlessly blend into our home’s vibe. Scouring Pinterest for inspiration beyond the typical white shirts and blue jeans, I finally settled on neutrals. I was eager to explore the realm of contrasting lights and darks, a style that truly reflects “us.”

    My husband, a tech enthusiast, practically lives in black clothing, so I decided to embrace it without turning us into a matching, monochromatic family. I have a stunning creamy cotton/linen maxi dress that I adore (it’s the Mira Kaftan Dress from World Market), and my husband has a chic charcoal button-up shirt, paired with white “jean” shorts. I found our boys’ outfits entirely at Old Navy … they sported dark gray chino-style pants and neutral t-shirts. Since we’d be at the beach, shoes weren’t a concern, knowing we’d kick them off for the photos.

    This color scheme worked wonders and looked astonishing against the beach backdrop. The dark accents added a refreshing twist to the usual beach photo attire. Our photographer picked a location with sand dunes and the sunset behind us, offering a beautiful contrast with the jetty’s dark rocks. We even ventured into the water for some incredibly moody shots.

    In our modern-transitional home with its neutral palette and touches of black, these photos fit perfectly. If you’re planning your family photos this season, I highly recommend opting for a neutral color palette with hints of charcoal or black. It’s unique and exudes timeless elegance.

    Remember, you don’t have to match; just ensure you coordinate – that’s the essence of “effortless” style in your family photos.

    So, how will you elevate your family photo style this year?

    Family Photo Style

    Detox Your Home: Supercharge with Cleaner, Healthier Products Fri, 01 Sep 2023 17:17:00 +0000

    Do you ever feel like you’re struggling on a mission to create a safer and healthier home for your family? I’ve been on that journey for years, and I’m here to tell you that making the switch to cleaner cleaning products is a game-changer. The best part? It’s so much easier than you think, because you don’t need to dive headfirst into a sea of research and DIY projects. I’m here to share some simple tips and must-have products that will help you detox your home without the overwhelm.

    Detox Your Home:
    Start Small, Finish Big

    If you’re new to the world of natural cleaning, take it one step at a time. Replace your products as you run out of them. You’ll quickly discover that many natural cleaning options are versatile and can replace multiple products in your cleaning arsenal. Before you know it, that cluttered cleaning closet will shrink, and you’ll breathe easier, both figuratively and literally.

    On Guard Concentrate: Your Cleaning Superhero

    This concentrate is a staple in my cleaning routine. I use it to clean my floors and in my all-purpose cleaning spray. I love that you can adjust the concentration based on your specific cleaning needs. When faced with stubborn grease or tough messes, simply use more concentrate. It’s that simple. Mix it with distilled water in a spray bottle, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to create a delightful scent. I opt for cinnamon or clove in winter, lemon in spring, and a fresh signature scent for the rest of the year.

    Norwex Cloths: Silver-Powered Cleaning

    I keep Norwex cloths on hand for daily countertop and table cleanups, as well as dusting. For heavy-duty kitchen cleaning, I pair these cloths with my all-purpose spray, and they work wonders. To make dusting a more luxurious experience, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your cloth. Sometimes it’s the little things that make cleaning enjoyable!

    Liquid Castile Soap: The Swiss Army Knife of Cleaners

    Liquid Castile soap is a must-have in any green home. I use it for laundry and as a fruit and veggie wash, but its uses extend far beyond. This unscented, clean soap is versatile enough to serve as body wash, dish soap, laundry detergent, and even pet shampoo. It’s a clean and gentle option for your whole household.

    Baking Soda & Vinegar: The Dynamic Cleaning Duo

    Never underestimate the power of baking soda and vinegar. They’re a dynamic duo for household cleaning (and science projects). I turn to this combo to tackle my kitchen sink’s toughest grease and grime. The bubbling action is oddly satisfying, and the results are impressive. But these two ingredients shine on their own as well. Baking soda helps absorb grease stains on clothing and keeps your fridge smelling fresh. Vinegar can clean everything from coffee makers to cutting boards.

    Bonus Laundry Tip: For stubborn grease stains on your clothes, apply baking soda, let it sit for 10 minutes, then use a drop of dish soap and water to create a paste over the stain. Wait at least another 10 minutes, then wash as usual. It works like magic.

    I understand that transitioning to toxin-free living might feel overwhelming. That’s why I encourage you to take small steps. It’s perfectly okay to hold on to a favorite product for a while if it brings you joy. Every change, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. So, start detoxing your home today, and you’ll be amazed at the positive impact it has on your family’s health and well-being.

    Detox Your Home

    Empowering Hormonal Changes in Women: Conquer the Rollercoaster of Transformation Tue, 29 Aug 2023 08:32:20 +0000

    Ever feel like you’re grooving to life’s rhythm one moment, and the next, you’re stumbling through an offbeat dance? I know the feeling, and I’m sure you do too. Life has this uncanny way of throwing curveballs just when we think we’ve got it all figured out. So, let’s chat about something we all experience but often overlook – I’m talking hormonal changes in women. Buckle up; it’s going to be quite the ride!

    Hormones – they’re like the invisible conductors of our bodies, orchestrating various functions and occasionally throwing in a surprise twist. As I’ve become more attuned to my body over the years, I’ve often wondered how I’d fare in a conventional 9-to-5 job with these differences not only in my mood but in energy levels. Have you ever wondered the same?


    Hormonal Changes in Women

    We all know hormones play a crucial role in our lives, regulating everything from our energy levels to our emotions. But here’s the kicker: not all journeys are created equal. In fact, the hormone paths of men and women are like two entirely different playlists.


    How Men Operate

    First up, the guys. Men operate on what we call a 24-hour hormone cycle, often referred to as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm governs an array of physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles, body temperature, and hormone production. 

    Picture this: testosterone, the hormone that packs a punch in the morning, gives men that natural surge of get-up-and-go. It’s like an internal espresso shot, perfect for those tasks that demand focus and productivity early in the day. Then there’s cortisol, at its peak during the morning hustle – enhancing alertness, quick thinking, and the ability to tackle stressful situations head-on. It’s like having a personal cheerleader urging you to seize the day.

    This hormonal harmony aligns perfectly with the demands of a typical corporate work environment. You know, the place where everyone’s expected to be sharp, alert, and on top of their game during regular business hours.


    Women’s Monthly Mixtape

    Now, let’s switch gears to the ladies. Our hormonal journey takes us on a monthly tour, spanning roughly 28 days. It’s like having a brand new playlist each month. This journey is predominantly governed by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, and the ever-fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone.

    Now, we won’t dive too deep into the specifics of this cycle. You can always Google that if you’re curious. But here’s the takeaway – it’s a rollercoaster of hormonal shifts. During the first half of this cycle, when estrogen levels are on the rise, we’re on fire! Energy, confidence, and productivity skyrocket. It’s like being the star of our own well-oiled “crush life” show. But hold on, because the second half introduces bouts of irritability, fatigue, and, let’s be honest, some not-so-pleasant physical sensations. These shifts can seriously mess with our ability to focus and maintain consistent productivity, which is often expected in a typical corporate setting.


    Men vs. Women (the not-so-obvious)

    Now, here’s where the real magic happens. Understanding these hormonal rhythms changed my perspective entirely. I used to scratch my head, wondering how my husband seemed to have a steady supply of energy while I was riding the productivity rollercoaster. But now it all makes sense. Our hormones have their own groove, and it’s unique to each of us.


    The Grand Finale: Embracing the Beat

    Here’s the point, and it’s a big one. As a firm believer in Biblical principles, I know that God designed men and women differently with distinct roles in the family. But as a child raised by a single mom, I also appreciate the need to adapt to the situation and do what’s best for our families.

    We women often find ourselves striving to fit into society’s neatly constructed boxes. Whether we stay at home or work outside of it, we’re expected to wear multiple hats simultaneously. We’re supposed to be the ultimate homemakers, whipping up gourmet meals, raising impeccably groomed children, and championing various charitable causes. And if we’re employed, well, we’re expected to shine in the workplace on top of it all. In truth, we’re often expected to be all things to all people at all times … and more often than not, this comes at the expense of our families and ourselves.

    But here’s the reality check – we’re not superheroes. Our Maker fashioned us for a different life than the hustle and bustle of being homemaker and corporate rockstar. So, in every season and every cycle, remember to grant yourself the grace you deserve. It’s perfectly fine to have days when you’re  not in constant motion, when you revel in leisurely moments: taking part in your favorite hobby, watching the kids play, or engaging in unhurried nights around the fire pit. Our lives were never meant to be a perpetual sprint. Savor the simple joys and remember you were made for such a time as this.

    My Laundry Day Revelation: How This Dreadful Task Became a Delight Wed, 23 Aug 2023 12:50:46 +0000

    Alright, buckle up because I’m about to share a laundry day tale that flipped my world upside down – and no, it’s not a fairy tale, it’s a laundry revolution! So there I was, scrolling through Facebook, when I stumbled upon a post asking for laundry tips to manage a family of five. There were several suggestions of daily laundry, and frankly, I thought it was borderline crazy. I mean, who has the time and energy for that? But for some reason this time I decided to give it a whirl for a week. Let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer that I never saw coming!

    But hey, let’s clear the air – I’m not doing laundry 24/7, 365 days a year. Nope, that’s not my style. Instead, I’ve honed in on a rhythm that syncs with our homeschooling lessons and hectic days. I tackle a load a day during the ‘business’ week, and on weekends usually earn a break – unless some laundry emergency strikes, which let’s face it, can happen to the best of us.


    The Laundry Day Trick

    Now, here’s the trick: I’ve discovered that the secret lies in simplicity. No more meticulous categorizing of clothes, towels, or whatever else… and no color sorting. Nope, I’ve embraced the chaos. As I do my morning rounds, I gather up whatever needs a good wash and toss it all into the machine. It’s like a daily mini-treasure hunt for dirty laundry, and honestly, it’s oddly satisfying.


    Our Routine

    By the time the kids have woken up, downed breakfast, and started their morning lessons, the washer’s done its thing, and the dryer is ready to rumble. When everything is warm and cozy, I fold and distribute the laundry and the kiddos help to put it away. It’s a well-oiled routine that actually works.

    Here’s the beauty of this laundry situation – it takes less than ten minutes to fold and put away clothes when you’re dealing with bite-sized loads. It’s efficient, effective, and keeps the laundry day monster in check. And the best side effect? I’ve got extra time to tackle the other household chores that usually get shoved to the backburner.


    Reducing Clutter Along the Way

    As a card-carrying member of ‘Team Modern Minimalism,’ this daily laundry ritual is my new secret weapon. It forces me to be mindful of how much clothing we actually own. And guess what? It’s been a game-changer in our quest to cut down on clutter. No more chaotic wardrobe black holes or overflowing baskets lurking around corners. No more wasteful extra loads because I don’t know what is clean or dirty, and no more thinking that we must have bigger closets and dressers to hold more clothes than we actually need.


    In Conclusion …

    So, my dear friend, if laundry day is the bane of your existence or if your clothes often resemble Mount Everest, I implore you – give this method a whirl. Who knew that conquering mountains of laundry could be this exhilarating? Welcome to the world of laundry redefined!


    Looking for a clean laundry upgrade that actually works? Checkout this post.

    Laundry Day Revelation
